About Us

Club Information and Contacts

Windy City Corvettes (WCC) is a member of the Midwest Region of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC). The purpose of WCC is to enjoy the car that has brought us together. WCC participates in car shows, rallyes, speed events, caravans, parades and many other fun and social events.

Club General Meetings

General Membership meetings are held at Thomas E. Hartung American Legion Post 1977, 14414 W. Ford Dr., New Lenox, IL. 60451
Click Here for driving directions.

Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month via video conference. Board Meetings start at 7:00pm. Contact Larry Pagliaro for Log In details.
General Membership Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of every month. General Meetings start at 7:00pm at the American Legion Post


To join Windy City Corvettes, contact
Jim Foster at 708-790-9697 (jamesj_59@msn.com) 

In addition to meeting great people that share your love for the Corvette, there are many other benefits to joining WCC and the NCCC.
Event Insurance


Larry Pagliaro, President
Kent Diffenderfer, Vice President
Bill Docherty, Jr., NCCC Governor
Annette Krol, Treasurer
Sharon Diffenderfer, Secretary
Perry Scarsellato, Sergeant-At-Arms



Committee Leaders



Bill Miller

Teresa Kocanda and Nancy Burns

Drive-outs/Social Activities


National Corvette Museum Ambassador

Kent and Sharon Diffenderfer

Jim Foster and John Adamski

Bill Kocanda




Susan Pagliaro

Loni Strumpf

Shannon Homolka, M.J. Sipolt, Bill Docherty Jr.

National and Regional Positions

NCCC Midwest Region Competition Director

Bill Docherty, Jr.

Future Corvette Owners Association

FCOA (FUTURE CORVETTE OWNERS ASSN.) is the youth organization of NCCC. It’s a unique “Corvette Club for kids” formed to interest the younger generation in the Corvette hobby. This is the generation that is the Corvette enthusiast of the 21st century! FCOA members are the foundation of NCCC’s future and hopefully FCOA members will go on to be active NCCC members when they turn 16.

About the FCOA

FCOA Application

FCOA Website

Windy City Corvette Members have sponsored 183 current FCOA Members and have been the continual Top Club Sponsor since 2000. Since 1991, we have enrolled 355 FCOA members.


WCC is a proud sponsor of the Illinois Spina Bifida Association.
The club has made donations in the top two category amounts in 17 of the 18 years that we have supported ISBA in the First Look for Charity Program. Often topping all donations made by major corporations in the Chicago Area. The club has been Grand Benefactors 11 times and Benefactors 6 times.

Teresa Kocanda, Nancy Burns, Marylou Freeman and John Adamski present the $50,000 check to the ISBA.

Early Windy City Corvette History

August 8, 1990
First official club meeting. The National Council of Corvette Clubs was notified that a new club was forming. The Charter members were:
President - Tony Petraski
Governor - Dave Heinemann
Treasurer - Susan Pagliaro
Secretary - Dawn Scarsellato
Sgt at Arms - Perry Scarsellato

Publicity - Joan Heinemann
Membership - Judy Petraski
Quartermaster - Larry Pagliaro

August 15, 1990
Club was incorporated under the laws of the state of Illinois. Original club mailing Address: 9222 W. 159th St., Suite 349, Orland Park, IL 60462.

August 25, 1990
First non-Charter member, Gil Berman.

September 12, 1990
First board meeting

September 18, 1990
First General Membership meeting, at Orland Bowl/Mickadoon's Pub, Orland Park, IL

October 27, 1990
First Windy City Corvettes event, Halloween NCCC Rallye. Perry and Dawn Scarsellato, Rallyemasters.

December 31, 1990
Club finished first year Midwest Region of NCCC point standings in 15th place.